The Selwyn Recital CD cover artwork

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Price $25.50 (P&P Incl.)

Catalogue Number: BNP CD 07

Over 60 minutes worth of powerfully evocative guitar music on New Zealand themes and more.

Bruce Paine’s compositions explore themes reflecting his North Island, South Island, English and Irish family roots.

A programme of largely original works for solo classical guitar composed by Bruce Paine alongside contemporary guitar compositions of UK composers Vincent Lindsey-Clark and David Warin Solomons.

Soundtracks recorded in the beautifully restored, Old Tua Marina Church of the Brayshaw Heritage Park in Blenheim, New Zealand.

Engineered to perfectly capture in detail the superbly rich sound of Bruce’s 2015 Simon Marty guitar.  Read more for programme details.

Album Track List

Vincent Lindsay-Clark
1. Pulsar

Bruce Paine
2. Finchdean
3. Waitemata Reverie !

David Warin Solomons
4. Variations on Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Bruce Paine
5 - 9 Folk Song Reflections
Southerly Brings Love, Tears Turn !, Dream Weaving, Love Changes, Circle Dance

10 - 14 Selwyn River Suite !
Alpine Prelude, Rainfall, Swiftly Flowing, The Calm Beyond, Hymn to Selwyn

15. Return to Finchdean !

! Premiere recording