Update ~ May 2015: The website layout has changed once again.  In theory it should now work more efficiently with the various browsing devices mentioned below.  Unfortunately the image gallery had to be removed, at least temporarily until a better solution is found.  Also the CDBaby media player has been removed from most pages because it too has not been responding as well as was expected.  It can still  be found, sometimes, under the blog entitled 'Media Player for All'.  Otherwise everything else should be more or less the same, but different - and hopefully improved.

Earlier Post:

Regular visitors to these pages will notice that the web site has undergone a transformation.  The demise of the software behind the old site is the reason for this electronic 'spring clean'.  It's been in the pipeline for a while now and with the advent of mobile technology the old site was never going to cut it in this exciting and sometimes confusing new age of electronic gadgetry.  So whether you be browsing from your desktop computer, laptop, iPad, iPhone, Smart Phone, TV, wristwatch or other electronic device, you should be able to find your way around more easily.

What's new?  Well apart from a cleaner, more minimalist look, you will now find items such as CDs, DVDs, sheet music, free PDF downloads and other treats grouped together, listed within the menu option 'Media'.  There's a new image gallery with slideshow viewer and more photographs than were previously available.  I've removed the 'Contact Us' form as that has created more problems than it has been worth due to the number of spam messages received.  Instead I encourage people to follow my Facebook page NZGuitarist.  Apart from that little has changed and I will continue to advertise new events and recordings as time and energy permits.